catch\ up

catch\ up
1. III
catch up smb., smth. /smb., smth. up/ catch up a child (one's basket, one's bag, one's hat, etc.) подхватывать ребенка и т д., he caught up his hat and rushed out он схватил шапку и бросился вон
2. XI
1) be caught up the phrase (the song, the tune, etc.) was caught up фразу и т. д. подхватили, фраза и т. д. стала популярной /привилась/
2) be caught up with smth. her hair was caught up with a pin волосы у нее были скреплены / схвачены/ заколкой
3) get caught up in (on) smth. the coat (the pocket, the skirt, etc.) got caught up on a nail (in the machine, in the door, etc.) пиджак и т. д. зацепился за гвоздь и т. д.; the sleeve of her jumper got caught up in a rose bush рукав ее свитера зацепился за шипы розового куста
4) be caught up in smth. he was caught up in conversation with the delegates он был увлечен разговором /беседой/ с делегатами; the old man was caught up in his thoughts (in his dreams, etc.) старик был погружен в свой мысли и т. д.
5) be (get) caught up in smth. be (get) caught up in the war (in the difficulties, in the intrigue, in the plot, etc.) быть (оказаться) втянутым в войну и т. д.
3. XVI
1) catch up он агам. call, catch up on the work (on one's French, etc.) наверстывать /восполнять/ пробел в работе и т.д.; catch up on one's lessons нагонять /наверстывать/ пропущенные занятия; catch up on sleep выспаться, отоспаться
2) catch up ninth smb., smth. /with smb., smth. up/ catch up with the swimmer (with the rest of the party, with the rest of the world, with Europe, etc.) догнать /нагнать/ пловца и т. д.; I'll catch up with you я вас догони; catch up он smth. /smth. on/ the secretary had to work in the lunch hour to catch up on her neglected filing секретарю приходилось работать во время обеденного перерыва, чтобы навести порядок в запущенных бумагах
catch up on doing smth. catch up on reading восполнять пробел в чтении; catch up on cleaning наконец убрать (в комнате и т. п.)
5. XXI1
1) catch up smb., smth. in smth. catch up the child (the girl, the doll, etc.) in one's arms подхватить ребёнка и т. д. на руки
2) catch loath. up in /on/ smth. catch one's skirt (one's dress, one's hair, etc.) up in the wheel (in the machine, etc.) юбка и т. д. попала в колесо и т. д.; catch up one's stocking on a nail зацепить чулок за гвоздь; the boy had caught his trouser leg up in the chain of his bicycle у мальчика штанина попала в велосипедную цепь

English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "catch\ up" в других словарях:

  • catch — [ katʃ ] n. m. • 1919; mot angl., abrév. de catch as catch can « attrape comme tu peux » ♦ Lutte très libre à l origine, codifiée aujourd hui. Prise de catch. Match, rencontre de catch, spectacle de cette lutte. Catch à quatre. Catch féminin. ●… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Catch — Catch, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Caught}or {Catched}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Catching}. Catched is rarely used.] [OE. cacchen, OF. cachier, dialectic form of chacier to hunt, F. chasser, fr. (assumend) LL. captiare, for L. capture, V. intens. of capere to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • catch — [kach, kech] vt. caught, catching [ME cacchen < Anglo Fr cachier < VL * captiare < L captare, to seize < pp. of capere, to take hold: see HAVE] 1. to seize and hold, as after a chase; capture 2. to seize or take by or as by a trap,… …   English World dictionary

  • Catch 5 — is a popular news music package and image campaign developed for Cleveland, Ohio television station WEWS TV in 1970. Written and composed by then jingle writer Frank Gari, the package was subsequently used on a few other American TV stations. The …   Wikipedia

  • catch — [kætʆ] verb caught PTandPP [kɔːt ǁ kɒːt] [transitive] 1. be caught in something to be in a situation that is difficult to escape from: • The government is caught in the middle of the dispute. • The yen was caught in a downward spiral. 2 …   Financial and business terms

  • catch — ► VERB (past and past part. caught) 1) intercept and hold (something thrown, propelled, or dropped). 2) seize or take hold of. 3) capture after a chase or in a trap, net, etc. 4) be in time to board (a train, bus, etc.) or to see (a person,… …   English terms dictionary

  • Catch-22 — ist der Titel des 1961 erschienenen ersten Romans von Joseph Heller über die Absurdität des Krieges und die Dummheit der Militär Maschinerie. Das anfangs wenig erfolgreiche Buch wurde erst durch Mundpropaganda und Weitergabe und Empfehlung des… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Catch — or caught may refer to:In sports: * Catch (baseball), a maneuver in baseball * Caught (cricket), a method of getting out in cricket * Catch or Reception (American football)In music: * Catch (music), a form of round * Catch (band), an English band …   Wikipedia

  • catch — catch; catch·er; catch·ing; catch·man; catch·ment; catch·pole; see·catch; un·catch·able; catch·ing·ly; catch·poll; …   English syllables

  • Catch — Catch, n. 1. Act of seizing; a grasp. Sir P. Sidney. [1913 Webster] 2. That by which anything is caught or temporarily fastened; as, the catch of a gate. [1913 Webster] 3. The posture of seizing; a state of preparation to lay hold of, or of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • catch — s.n. Gen de lupte libere în care sunt permise aproape orice mijloace pentru înfrângerea adversarului. [pr.: checi. – var.: catch can (pr.: checi chén) s.n.] cuv. engl. Trimis de valeriu, 03.03.2003. Sursa: DEX 98  CATCH [pr …   Dicționar Român

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